Search Mobile Safari for a Specific Word
How many of you know that you can search for a particular word in the webpage loaded in safari on your iPhone/iPod/iPad ? Most of them might say "No", because i was one of them before. Because, the solution is kind of hidden from the user's direct view. It could save you even hours when you come across a situation where the webpage is too long and you just want to know about a specific topic, so that you can skip everything and just jump to the section you wanted. Here's the trick to find a specific word in the webpage : Let's say i am on "" (This is not too lengthy yet). But, still we need to take an effort to find an article that we are searching for. Let's say you want to see only the articles related to "iOS7", then definitely that is a huge task which consumes time. Instead, we can just search with the keyword "iOS7". That is what exactly we're gonna do now. Now, g...