Story of "SARAddressBookBackup" library, that helps to backup contacts in iOS Devices


SARAddressBookBackup :

This is an iOS library to Backup the Contacts in iOS Devices as .vcf file.
Also, the Example project in Github illustrates on how to email the .vcf file.
The .vcf file can also be accessed/shared through iTunes File Sharing.

Story Behind its Birth :

Searched the App Store for Apps that could backup all my contacts in my iPhone5.
I would usually go mostly with free apps (Kind of a Freebie).

When trying to backup my contacts, most of the apps asked me to purchase to backup contacts more than 500 or 1000 or whatever, completely depends on the app developer's decision and i have to abide their rules.

I have more than 1000 contacts in my iPhone Contacts App.

Finally, i found an app that backed up all my contacts, and it even allowed me to send the output file to my email, but that was not reliable (The app crashed several times).
[Note : I didn't mention the App name here :) ]

Just thought of how hard it is to develop an app that just backs up the contacts in the device and gives out a simple .vcf file for future use.

I started with searching for some Open Source Library that could backup all the contacts in the device, but had no luck, or perhaps there is no such kind.

So, finally thought of writing a library that might be of some help to other iOS budddies, when this issue come across their way.

This is the story behind the birth of "SARAddressBookBackup" Library.

Also, the Library  is so simple to use with Block-Based syntax.


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