iOS 8 & OSX 10.10 Summary

Apple announced iOS8 & OS X 10.10 (Yosemite) in WWDC 2014 today:

Happy that i watched WWDC 2014 Live.

Here is the summary of features added into iOS8:

QuickType - Auto suggests or predicts the keywords from the types sentence, just like the app “SwiftKey”.

Interactive Notifications - You can make actions within the notification centre without opening up the app. For Ex: tap on message to reply w/o going into Messages app.
iMessage Groups, Self destructing Audio & Video, Location Sharing.

Extensibility - Allows to interact between apps.

TouchID API - Developers can use the Touch ID for authentication.

HealthKit - Tracks Health

HomeKit - Automate you Home devices

CloudKit - Store app’s database schema

SpriteKit - SceneKit & lots of other additions

Siri Features:
* “Hey Siri” wakes up the digital assistant, Hence hereafter No need to Long tap the Home button or take the phone near to your ear to talk to Siri.
* Shazam Integration for Song identification.
* Dictation, Siri types as you dictate, in 22 new languages.

* AirDrop & Hotspot across OS X and iOS devices
* Attend calls & reply to messages of your iPhone from your Mac

New Programming Language:
After 1997, Apple is switching over to a completely New programming Language, which is named as “Swift”. 
I was really amazed watching the demo of developing an app.
Debugging was just cool. Hope it will make our lives more easier.
Can't wait to get a taste of it. :)

iOS8 & OS X 10.10 SDK:
Over 4000 API's added

App Store changes:
* Trending Searches
* Video Previews
* Continuous scrolling

TestFlight Integration:
TestFlight would be integrated into developer centre and Gives Native app Beta testing.

Yosemite(OS X 10.10) Features:
Search Feature in Yosemite
iCloud Drive
(More to come)

Happy to see a lot of things getting added as features into our iOS Eco-System.


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