My Very First iOS Unarchiving Library "SARUnArchiveANY"

My Very First iOS UnArchiving Library "SARUnArchiveANY" has been posted in GitHub and published on ""

Hoping that it might be useful to many iOS buddies.

Here's the story behind this library :

I was working on a project, in which i needed to handle a different set of files that comes from several sources for Offline Access.

So, files from each source were of different kind/type/format.
For example, one was in .zip, another one with .rar and other in .7z and some .tar, .tar.gz formats too, but however we managed to get all the files from all the sources in 3 formats at the most - zip, rar, 7z, which are all the top most popular formats for file archiving.

Coming to iOS part :

I was the only one guy handling the complete iOS App/Project.
I found that there is no framework or library to UnArchive files in iOS.

But, there were few great libraries for each format separately and integrating all those took many of my days.
I found it really hard to integrate all those libraries at first.

Hence, out of this irritation, arises a new thought in Developer's brain to make the process simple.
[Just like how Ajith Kumar sounds in Arrambam "Make it Simple" (Actually copied from Steve Jobs) ]

Thus, after that whole nightmare process, i came to a solution to integrate all those libraries into a single entity and provided a very very simple Block-Based API.


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