Abstractly on Flutter
Flutter framework is the only framework that has come closer to satisfying this adage: "Write once, Deploy anywhere" Flutter apps could be literally deployed on all the major platforms that any business wants to that includes Web, Mobile(iOS/AOS), Desktop (masOS, Windows, Linux), which covers all the major platforms and there's really no need of writing platform specific code as Flutter framework does it under the hood for you plus there are a variety of plugins written by a thriving community that makes it even easier to develop apps. basically, with Flutter you have everything you need to develop apps without worrying about maintaining multiple platform codebases which is the main reason[read: lower costs] why companies opt for cross-platform frameworks in the first place. listing out the pros&cons on a very high level: Pros: good documentation apps are fast since for ex mobile apps are not reliant on the Javascript bridge for communicating with the native layer op...