
Showing posts from April, 2020

Property Wrapper - Simplified!

Introduction: There have been just so much fuzz around the Property Wrappers. Almost all the recent addition(@State, @Published, @Binding, @BindableObject, @ObservedObject, @EnvironmentObject, @Environment) to the SwiftUI framework is just based upon this single feature that was introduced in Swift 5.1 called ‘Property Wrappers’ There are just so many articles already written on Property Wrappers and some of them are just really great. I’m writing this piece not because I also wanted to write about it and join the bandwagon but because not everyone understands a topic written in a certain way.  Just a different mix of words or with a different set of contextual examples, basically the point is that not everyone likes Vanilla ice cream and the majority of people prefer flavors, so please don’t consider this article as a redundant one and do give it a chance to take it up as a different flavor. Btw, mine is chocolate, what’s yours? ;) Background: From Apple’s engine...