
Showing posts from November, 2016

Swift 3 Updates

Hey there, I just went through the list changes in Swift3 and i'll log an abstract of those changes here. 1.) First parameter label:  Now, all the function params have labels. 2.) Omitted needless words: Some Examples from Swift2 -> Swift3 : UIColor.blueColor() ->, numbers.minElement() -> numbers.min(), "Hi there".lowercaseString -> "Hi there".lowercased, Similarly 'uppercased' for 'uppercaseString' 3 .)  UpperCamelCase has been replaced with lowerCamelCase for enums and properties: NSURLRequest(URL: someURL) -> URLRequest(url: someURL) NSTextAlignment.Left -> NSTextAlignment.left UIInterfaceOrientationMask.Portrait -> UIInterfaceOrientationMask.portrait 4 .)  GCD and CoreGraphics API's are changed from C style to Swift: GCD: In Swift2: "dispatch_after(dispatch_time, dispatch_get_main-queue(), {})" In Swift3: "DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(...

Hybrid Mobile App Filepath Case-Sensitive Issue

I have been yearning to learn Hybrid App Development for a very long time. To get started, i wanted to be good at fundamentals in  20+years old web technology - HTML/CSS/JS. Hence, i did this course in Coursera first and then did a round of R&D for the Hybrid frameworks and decided to start with Ionic, as i found Ionic framework to be the best in the industry as far as i know. Hence, did this Ionic course in Udemy, which is good starter for programmers.  Enough of my story.  Jumping into the context; After finishing up the course(not really finished, just watched the On-Demand videos as usual), i tried to create an app during which i faced an issue which was very weird, i.e., everything was working fine on the browser, but it wasn't working on the actual mobile devices, both iOS & Android, which were supposed to be the target devices.  First, the catch i made was that the issue was consistent on both (iOS&Android) these devices, so d...